“Children learn more from what you are than what you teach.” -W.E.D Dubois

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We cannot fool our children. They are far more smarter than we might give them credit. They see us for who we really are because they are with us all of the time.  We can deceive those that we see once in awhile and we could probably deceive ourselves but not our children. It is far more easier to talk than to do something. If we want to know who we really are we should ask our children.

                          Who are you? (Who am I) I have been asking this same question.

Are you caring, giving, or humble? Do you share with others? Do you gossip? Do you yell? Are you kind? Do you have patience? Do you think of others? Do you have a real relationship with God? Are you a good listener? Are you lazy? Are you a hard worker? To you have high self-esteem or low? Are you funny? Do you laugh or do you cry? Are you happy or are you angry? Is the cup half way full or empty for you? Are you enjoying your life?  I want my children to outreach to their community and help those in need but do I practice this? How can I teach my children this if I am not doing it myself?


                                             What do you want to teach your child?


So many of us focus and stress on the importance of our children doing exceptional in school but neglect life skills. Yes school is very important, but so is getting along with others and coping with disappointments. Have you taught your children how to love others? How can you teach them to love others if you do not love yourself? I remember my Geometry teacher in college telling the class that all the math problems that we do in his class can be solved and that there was an answer to each one of them. He asked us, “But how can we solve the increased number of divorces or suicides in our society? What about those who are poor and hungry? How can we help them?”  My teacher got it. He knows that there are bigger problems and greater worries than his geometry class. Here we were in his class overwhelmed and stressed out about geometry when there were so many important problems that do not have solutions to them yet.


I challenged myself to write down the things I want to teach my children. I had to be real and write down how I can show the things I want to teach them by example. I have to tell you that it was no easy task. Wow, do I have work to do! I also have to change things about myself. Change can be difficult but through Christ who gives me strength I can do anything and so can you. 🙂
Here are a few examples of what we do can contradict what we say.
Do you yell at your children? When your children are yelling at each other, do you tell them not to yell?
Do you neglect to spend time with God? Do you expect your children to spend time with God?
Do you gossip about others? Do you tell your children that it is not nice to talk about others?
Do you have a clean room? Do you expect your children to have a clean room?
Do you spend hours watching television? Do you tell your children that too much television watching is not good for them?
Do you eat junk food? Do you yell at your children when they choose to eat unhealthy snacks?
Do you ignore your children when they are telling you something? Do you except them to listen to you?
The list is endless.

So I encourage you my dear sister (and myself) to live by example today because we have eyes and ears watching and hearing everything we do and say.

 After all,  “children learn more from what you are than what you teach.” – W.E.D Dubois

4 Responses

  1. Jessica Castillo

    I wholeheartedly agree. I tend to forget this, but reading posts like these help to remind me that it is us as mothers/parents/guardians that are shaping our future generations. Great post.

  2. Jessica Castillo

    I wholeheartedly agree. I tend to forget this, but reading posts like these help to remind me that it is us as mothers/parents/guardians that are shaping our future generations. Great post.

  3. Homeschool Homegrown4

    Thank you Jessica for stopping by :)Yes we have a great responsibility in shaping our future generation. I love quotes because they have a great way of reminding us of what really matters.

  4. Homeschool Homegrown4

    Thank you Jessica for stopping by :)Yes we have a great responsibility in shaping our future generation. I love quotes because they have a great way of reminding us of what really matters.