The Armor of God !!!!

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For 5 days my little warriors learned about the armor of God. They learned that this armor is an armor not against other people but against sin.





 We bought materials for the armor at the dollar store.
Helmet: baking foil pan
Shield: plastic chip dip tray
Breastplate: foil tray
Sword: wand for the girls and Peter made a paper sword.
Belt: used paper which we stapled together.
We also bought feathers, paint, jewels at the dollar store. We bought shoe laces and glued them to the back of the breastplate and shield. This way it was easier to wear the breastplate and hold the shield.
I had them glue and paint whatever they wanted to. The first five days we talked about each piece of the armor. I wrote on our white board and black board what I thought was important for them to understand. Then on day 5 we made the armor.
I thought these websites were helpful:
As well as

Have fun 🙂