5 Homemade Cleaning Products

I love to create cleaning products at home because I am in control with what ingredients go in it. Plus the satisfaction of being able to make your very own products from scratch is pretty awesome.


Rose-Scented Freshener

What you need:
* 1 cup of organic roses ( we don’t have any in our yard right now so we bought dried organic roses online)
*2 cups of water
Pick roses early in the morning and ones that are just opening. Clean the petals with water. Heat water in the bottom pot boiler until it comes to a gentle shimmer. Add the rose petals and water to the top pot. Simmer until the petals lose all their color. Fresh petals take about 15 minutes and dries petals take 5 minutes. Once the petals are done simmering, remove from heat and let it cool down. Then strain the rose water into a clean mason jar. You can store for up to a month in the fridge. Add to spray bottle and spray on sheets and towels.
You could also turn this into a facial toner. All you need  to do is 4 oz. witch hazel.

Homemade Wood Polish

Eve and I made our very own wood polish. It can be used to polish wooden cutting boards, wooden tables, as a polish for leather boots, and as a salve for your hands.

You only need three ingredients: * 2 cups of olive oil *1/4 cups of bees wax *10 lemons

You want to get local/organic lemons. My dad blessed me with boxes of lemons.

Using a sharp knife or peeler peel the lemons.

Pack lemon peels in a glass jar.

Pour oil. Close and shake. Store for two weeks.

After two weeks. Strain the peels.

Pour the lemon oil into a pot of a double boiler. Heat water in the bottom pot. Add the beeswax. Stir occasionally until it is dissolved.

Let it cool completely.
Then enjoy.

Hand Sanitizer

Hand washing is the best thing you can do. But when you can’t wash your hands because there is no water or soap available using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 91% alcohol will quickly reduce the number of microbes on your hands.
How to make your own hand sanitizer:
?2/3 cups of 91% to 99% of Isopropyl alcohol ?1/3 cups of aloe Vera gel
?8 drops of essential oil (antibacterial one: we used grapefruit)
?5 drops of vitamin e.
Mix all together and carry the bottle with you.


?All you need is fresh rosemary( lavender or thyme works too)
?distilled white vinegar ?filtered water
Fill Mason jar with fresh rosemary.
Pour distilled white vinegar to the top.
Secure lid and leave in a dark place for 7 days. Shake it daily.
Strain out the rosemary-infused vinegar.
To make the cleaner use 1 to 1 ratio of water and rosemary- infused vinegar.
Use to clean sinks, bathrooms, counters and your home.
Vinegar and rosemary have antibacterial and anti fungal properties.
It smells so good too.
You’ll never want to use toxic house cleaners again.

Luffa Soap

Why not make your very own soap? After all we all have to keep washing our hands. We wanted to make a soap without Lysol so we used clear glycerin soap base.
The melt and pour method is perfect, especially if children are helping to make the soap.
To make the Luffa scubby soap all you need is:
?32 oz clear glycerin soap base
?round silicone soap molds
?spray bottle with alcohol
?color : in the past we used ground dandelion powder and hibiscus powder. This time we left it clear.
?essential oil
?some Luffa
First spray the Luffa with alcohol so that the clear glycerin soap base would stick to the Luffa. Then cut 1 inch size Luffas and place them in the mold. Next, cut the soap base in smaller pieces and melt in the microwave. Mix well and add the color and the essential oil. You can use whatever essential oil you would like and pour as much or as little. For the food color you can add anything that has been dried and is made in a powder. After it is all mixed well you’ll want to pour the soap onto the Luffa which is inside the mold. You can leave the mold out to dry on the counter or place it in the fridge. Then once dry use a straw and make a hole so that you can tie string through the Luffa and soap, this way you can hang it in the bathroom and it is ready to use when your taking a shower.


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