Guinea Fowl

Guinea fowls are wonderful to add to your homestead. We think they are so beautiful. They are the best security guards as well. They will inform us of any suspicious activity before our girl Elza does. So, whenever we hear them, we step outside to see what’s going on. They don’t usually make a loud racket for the sake of making noise. When a female makes noise, it sounds like she is saying, “comeback, comeback.” A male will do a series of one-syllable sounds, “chi-chi-chi-chi-chichi.”

Their feet are very sensitive, so you’ll want to try to avoid touching their feet. Don’t ever grab their feet. They are great fliers. We got ours off of craigslist and were told they are seven months old. They are scary cats and when we first got them, they would run from us while our chickens would run towards us because our chickens knew we had food. The guinea fowls did catch on really quick and within a week knew we were the ones who fed them. They like to stay together in a group so if you want to get guinea fowl, we recommend you get a few of them.  They get along with our chickens. We plan to free roam them once we have had them for thirty days. This way they know the chicken coop and will go back in at night.

They lay hard shell eggs. We are raising them for eggs, meat, and to control pests. They eat ticks, flies, and unwanted bugs.
In the near future we want to add heritage turkeys, ducks, pheasants, quails, and a few other birds to our homestead.

If you enjoyed this post, you might like Chicken Coop.

guinea fowl guinea fowl guinea fowl

Thank you for reading our blog post.

  1. Crissy

    I’ve often seen those and now I am glad to know the name of them and more interesting facts like their feet not liking to be touched. We plan to write soon, it has been a very busy time for us lately. Looking forward to your next post! Ps, the hide looks amazing! You did a great job.